Interrupted Flow
I kept this one as despite being very simple, it is also very shiny - and shiny is good. Today's Gratitude Item: Not doing any schoolwork today. Am feeling slightly…
I kept this one as despite being very simple, it is also very shiny - and shiny is good. Today's Gratitude Item: Not doing any schoolwork today. Am feeling slightly…
This one is simply delicious. Today's Gratitude Item: Making significant progress on my book review generator. It's coded in Python and is almost finished - which is good as this…
Very similar to 'Intense Greenery' (which will feature on this blog in due course). The colours made it *just* different enough to be worth rendering. Today's Gratitude Item: Useful resources…
I wasn't expecting this one to turn out as well as it did. Today's Gratitude Item: The gate at school was closed but the system recoginsed my car and it…
Weirdly, this one looks better in a smaller size. Today's Gratitude Item: A brilliant 'last day' of summer holidays. I'm *almost* looking forward to going back to school tomorrow...
The title really says it all. Today's Gratitude Item: A very relaxing day after a very stressful week...
The colours on this one were a nice surprise Today's Gratitude Item: That the coffee muffin recipe we use is quick, easy and pretty much fool proof.
Similar to one of my other images but nice enough to be worth rendering. Today's Gratitude Item: Several down, several more to go. As in today's parent / student /…
As in the dark hole at the center of this one is a tunnel. Today's Gratitude Item: Somehow getting most of the 'stuff' that needed to get done this *long*…
This one is not quite silver enough to be actual mercury. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting some fairly urgent (and important) 'stuff' done. Getting 'on top of things' is proving to…