Blocky Ball
This one reminds me a bit of that huge silver monstrosity over at EPCOT centre - except this version is prettier :) Today's Gratitude Item: Video tutorials! Especially the ones…
This one reminds me a bit of that huge silver monstrosity over at EPCOT centre - except this version is prettier :) Today's Gratitude Item: Video tutorials! Especially the ones…
This one seemed like a good idea at the time. Now I'm not so sure. Today's Gratitude Item: Pita, falafel and donuts at the library today! I was really well…
You get the spheres, box and ribbon all for the price of one wallpaper. Today's Gratitude Item: Lame "knock knock" jokes. These only make you laugh if you have an…
This one is meant to be a bauble dangling off a Christmas tree with a foggy full moon in the background. Its filed under "list of things you can do…
Here' s another literal interpretation of the "wallpaper" idea. Space on the bricks is, of course, for those important icons. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally having the time to finish a…
I wonder what sound these bubbles make when you pop them :) Today's Gratitude Item: A quiet day at school. Turns out that a lot of the senior students decided…
I've managed to keep the "sphere" thing under control - until now. Today's Gratitude Item: Beeswax. Its a perfect wax for use on natural wood. Its dead easy to apply…
Same basic params as yesterday's effort, different final transform and gradient. I think the effect is rather interesting. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a whole lot of small things done! None…
Its green, orange and more "funky" than my usual offerings. What do you think? Today's Gratitude Item: That my next door neighbour is passionate about framing stuff. Turns out its…
Actually a planet somewhere out of the universe. Composed almost entirely of water. Today's Gratitude Item: Rechargeable calculator batteries and the fact that my graphing calculator lets me know when…