Tin Flower
The original version looked like a flower sculpture made out of corrugated sheet metal. Today's Gratitude Item: No students tomorrow thanks to the Y9 Speech Contest and our seniors being…
The original version looked like a flower sculpture made out of corrugated sheet metal. Today's Gratitude Item: No students tomorrow thanks to the Y9 Speech Contest and our seniors being…
Who says fans have to be cool? Today's Gratitude Item: Having a massive clean-up at school. Our areas are a lot less cluttered and a lot more inviting. Even better,…
As in a ball that is made up of curves. Today's Gratitude Item: That we are staying at Alert Level 1 which means my dance class can continue. The new…
This one looked 'ordinary' on a black background. When the background was changed to white, the image looked a lot more interesting. Today's Gratitude Item: Really good Professional Development this…
As in take something sharp, curve it and then give it a twist. Today's Gratitude Item: An extremely successful dance workshop down in Tauranga. Everything went perfectly, from driving down…
Combines two of my favourite things, spirals and waves. Today's Gratitude Item: Realising that the spare 'Just Dance' puzzles that I made towards the end of last year can be…
Possibly too bright! Today's Gratitude Item: Longer days. It's nice to be able to drive to school when it's light outside.
Reminded me of the candy we used to get as kids. Today's Gratitude Item: Being a fully fledged member of the AA. This was an early birthday present from my…
The spiral addiction strikes again. Today's Gratitude Item: That a rather large project has finally been successfully completed. It took a while but we got there in the end.
Funky colours - familiar design. Today's Gratitude Item: A super busy day spent working with students who are making progress despite lock-down #2.