Spin Cycle
It's either a spiral or an extreme close-up of an exotic flower. Today's Gratitude Item: That one of the major dance events on the calendar is done for the year.…
It's either a spiral or an extreme close-up of an exotic flower. Today's Gratitude Item: That one of the major dance events on the calendar is done for the year.…
The wave edge made it worth rendering. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting things to work. Had a frustrating day today when two things that should have been simple weren't.
I did some fairly random things and this happened... Today's Gratitude Item: Being *mostly* ready for school tomorrow after a brilliant two week break which was over far too soon.
Sometimes I like to take geometric shapes and fling them around a bit. Today's Gratitude Item: Sewing machines. They make some of those bigger jobs a whole lot easier.
Originally the outer spiral was a weird pale purple colour. In this case, removing most of the colour worked well. Today's Gratitude Item: A post lock-down haircut. It feels great!
A koru / fern frond which turned out quite well. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting to the end of a surprisingly long work week. I'm more than ready for a break!
This one only 'worked' when I post processed - a lot. Having said that, the 3D effect is quite satisfying. Today's Gratitude Item: Having some really successful zoom sessions with…
It turns out that waves can sometimes be smooth. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally finding all the errors in a piece of student code. It took a while but is hopefully…
Which basically translates as 'stack of square paper'. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally finding a way to help my students understand (and generate) Minimal Spanning Trees. It's been on my 'to…
Was oddly pleased with this one - it must be the spiral shape that appealed. Today's Gratitude Item: Making acceptable progress on my marking pile. It's not quite as low…