Soft String Spiral
As usual, saw the spiral and just had to render it... Today's Gratitude Item: Being left in peace (which meant having time to revisit an eBook that I need for…
As usual, saw the spiral and just had to render it... Today's Gratitude Item: Being left in peace (which meant having time to revisit an eBook that I need for…
The original was red / blue - the name stuck, the colours were changed (trust me when I say that is for the best). Today's Gratitude Item: Finishing my marking…
A nice surprise that reminded me of a tree (in winter). Today's Gratitude Item: That a number of my colleagues gave me feedback on an assessment task that I have…
Some days I feel trapped by my spiral addiction. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting to the end of a crazy / busy term. Am officially on 'holiday' for two weeks.…
As in a spiral made of interlocking puzzle pieces. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to recycle material from last year. I had anticipated having to make changes but realised that…
This one looks horrible 'small' - it's quite nice when viewed in a larger size. Today's Gratitude Item: That the flag debate is over. Whilst I think changing the flag…
As in sun kissed waves. Today's Gratitude Item: Fresh coffee muffins and fresh coffee muffin batter :)
As in, when using Tierazon, sooner or later, a spiral appears. This one was of the 'sooner' variety. Today's Gratitude Item: An unexpected '10c off' per liter when filling up…
The only thing better than a spiral is a spiral that looks a bit 'machine like'. Today's Gratitude Item: That my car got its 'Warrant of Fitness' with minimum fuss.
Had fun with this one. Today's Gratitude Item: Help with a particularly difficult (but pretty) jigsaw puzzle.