Spiral Spring
I'm pretty sure that I've posted similar images before but couldn't help myself. This one was just begging to be rendered. Today's Gratitude Item: Gorgeous weather. Spring is definitely here…
I'm pretty sure that I've posted similar images before but couldn't help myself. This one was just begging to be rendered. Today's Gratitude Item: Gorgeous weather. Spring is definitely here…
Took ages to create. At least the time was not wasted. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally resolving a situation which has been 'in progress' for about two weeks. Whilst the conclusion…
Did not expect this one! Significant zooming was involved. Today's Gratitude Item: The long weekend (at least for me) is finally here :)
The colours reminded me of toast - must have been having a weird day. Today's Gratitude Item: Perfect weather for napping :)
The only thing better than one spiral, is a background full of spirals. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to get almost instant, high quality feedback on a proposed assessment task…
I could not help myself! Today's Gratitude Item: That most of my students seem to be enjoying our programming topic. It's the first time that I've taught it and things…
It sparkled / was pretty so it got rendered. Today's Gratitude Item: Having made some progress on my 'plan' for teaching level 2 programming. The challenge is to come up…
Was particularly pleased with the tiled spiral background. Today's Gratitude Item: *Only* oversleeping by ten minutes this morning. Could not resist the temptation to silence my alarm for 'five more…
I thought this one would work better than it did. Today's Gratitude Item: A Saturday that was pretty much perfect :)
Sometimes 'busy' is good. Today's Gratitude Item: Gorgeous autumn weather. It's great to be able to enjoy long walks outside without getting too hot or too cold.