Stirred Steam
The image below was created with Apophysis. It is dedicated to all you coffee lovers out there. Enjoy! Todays "gratitude item" is easy. TGIF!! Or more specifically, TGIF, school is…
The image below was created with Apophysis. It is dedicated to all you coffee lovers out there. Enjoy! Todays "gratitude item" is easy. TGIF!! Or more specifically, TGIF, school is…
I am grateful for the fact that I am working tomorrow. This "gratitude item" is not very original but having work (and getting paid) is always a good thing. Especially…
Ever wondered what a "warm fuzzy" looks like?? These critters are generally responsible for feelings of satisfaction / good will after a job well done.
I have heard it said that statistics is when you torture numbers until they confess to anything. Bearing this in mind, I keep statistics on this blog and was really…
I have been inspired by Wasted Days to try out a "new" fractal generator called "Mind Boggling Fractals". Below is the result.