Magenta Madness
This one is a bit crazy as there is a lot going on here. Might be a bit too much... Today's Gratitude Item: Today was a lot better than yesterday…
This one is a bit crazy as there is a lot going on here. Might be a bit too much... Today's Gratitude Item: Today was a lot better than yesterday…
Because sometimes it's not all unicorns and rainbows. Today's Gratitude Item: Baking success on a day that was rather turbulent. At least I can say that one thing went right…
I know this is similar to previous posts but I could not help myself. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally figured out how to do something that has eluded me for years!…
This is what happens if one zooms into the spiral on yesterday's Ancient Tree. Today's Gratitude Item: Making some progress with my latest project. It's a bit of a case…
Simple but effective. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally seeing a bit of blue sky - it was also nice to be able to go for a walk outside without getting wet.
A perfect image for a perfect summer's day. Today's Gratitude Item: That it was not too hot today! I really enjoyed the overcast, cooler weather.
This is one of those times when the name of the fractal does not match the subject matter. Oh well. Today's Gratitude Item: A day of full-on relaxing. Life is…
I like the detail in this image. Today's Gratitude Item: Barista courses. As in when our students do a barista course at school, some of us get free coffee as…
This one is not as intense as yesterday's image. That could be a good thing if one wants to use it as a desktop wallpaper. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding exactly…
Featuring a cool shape with a bit of a glow. Today's Gratitude Item: Realising that some PD that I'll be doing off-campus falls on the same days that I have…