Fractal Scribbles
Sometimes I doodle with a pen and paper when bored. This is the fractal equivalent of said doodles. Today's Gratitude Item: Two coffee vouchers! I helped a colleague and they…
Sometimes I doodle with a pen and paper when bored. This is the fractal equivalent of said doodles. Today's Gratitude Item: Two coffee vouchers! I helped a colleague and they…
Another funky string / spiral design. Today's Gratitude Item: Peace and quiet. It's lovely being on holiday and not stressing about school related stuff.
It took ages to get this one to look right but it was worth the effort. Today's Gratitude Item: Spring is here! Got to walk outside after school for the…
This is what happens when a series of discs is let loose. Today's Gratitude Item: Gorgeous weather! After days of fog / rain, it was lovely to have clear skies.
I'm not quite sure how to describe this one but it looks like a place that is worth further exploration. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally finishing a time consuming and somewhat…
Am really not sure about this one. I liked the ripple effect so it got rendered but the colours are very subtle. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally being at the point…
As in a bunch of circles. Today's Gratitude Item: Not having to stay after school for a meeting. Due to my current cold, I asked for permission to skip said…
Old idea, new twist. Today's Gratitude Item: Not getting rained on during Cross Country!
In my world, this is what a whale's tail looks like. Today's Gratitude Item: Today went a lot better than expected - so much so that I was pleasantly surprised.
There is something a little bit 'magical' about this one. Today's Gratitude Item: Accidental kitchen discoveries. It looks like we might have stumbled on a good way to make coffee…