Geometric String Wave

Take some string, dye it blue, weave it into a diamond pattern and here is the result. Today's Gratitude Item: Unexpected morning tea. It was a nice surprise.

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Boat Race

If you use your imagination, those could be canoes lined up at the start of a race. Today's Gratitude Item: Learning how to create child themes for WordPress. It's easy…

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Glowing String Blossom

What kind of insect might this attract? Today's Gratitude Item: Getting my programming moderation done! This was a massive job but due to lock-down #2, my colleague and I time…

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Wave String

A surprise which improved when it was tiled. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting to sleep in tomorrow. Sure it's because we are going back in COVID-19 level 3 lock-down but my…

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String Fruit

As in fruit made out of string. It's pretty but I'd be worried about the texture. Today's Gratitude Item: Learning how to access / install non-core libraries in Python using…

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Door to Paradise

Somehow the 'ripple / string' design always 'works'. Today's Gratitude Item: Three more days of term. It's been a long slog at school and we are all counting down...

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Woven Square Flower

It was pretty so I kept it. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding a link to exemplars for the external assessments that my students will *hopefully* do at the end of next…

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Quite Square

As in 'boxy, but good'. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding an easy way to share 'tech tip' videos with teaching colleagues.

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Square Mask

If you squint and use your imagination, this one could be a mask of some description. Today's Gratitude Item: Being up-to-date with my marking. It took a while but at…

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String Craze

Was pleased how the background works with the brighter string foreground. Today's Gratitude Item: Making more progress today than I did yesterday. Our school network has a new nickname -…

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