Silver String Flower
The interference pattern in this one made it worth rendering. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding out that it is super easy to format numbers nicely when using php.
The interference pattern in this one made it worth rendering. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding out that it is super easy to format numbers nicely when using php.
I'm pretty sure I've made large holes before but this one was nice enough to render. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting round to revisiting a video series that was in…
Names as it is made up of a very large number of strands. Today's Gratitude Item: Time to create fractals, play scrabble and read.
It took a surprisingly long time to get this one looking 'just right'. Today's Gratitude Item: A really peaceful day in which I did not feel overwhelmed by work related…
Duplicating, rotating and tiling were the order of the day. They took something that was 'ordinary' and improved it quite a bit. Today's Gratitude Item: Not having to follow up…
In this case, post processing helped. A lot. Today's Gratitude Item: Being *sort of* up-to-date on my marking which is a lot better than being hopelessly behind. The thing with…
We've been here before and, chances are, before long, we'll be here again. Today's Gratitude Item: Being almost completely recovered from the 'flu that has plagued me in recent weeks.…
Named because seeing this one appear made me very happy. Today's Gratitude Item: Being 'sorted' for a dry run our an assessment on Monday.
The original version was tile-able - hence the name. Today's Gratitude Item: A double rainbow day. There was a really strong rainbow on my way in to work and a…
Was quite excited about this one, even though it is similar to other works. Today's Gratitude Item: Cancelled meetings and getting at least some 'stuff' done today, even though it…