So Easy?

Creating the original fractal was easy, putting the image together with the background - not so much. Today's Gratitude Item: "Alone time" - as in no demands, no interruptions and…

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Criss Cross

A simple name for a simple fractal. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding a really cool 'cherry' (literally)! Needed said cherry for the top of a *virtual* cheesecake which I made for…

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Chocolate River

If it involves chocolate, its got to be good! Today's Gratitude Item: Getting some new funky lime-green walking shoes - what more could a girl ask for?

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Bumps in the Road

Sometimes things don't go all that smoothly. And sometimes that is OK. Today's Gratitude Item: Home made 'trail mix'. One of my dancers is diabetic so when I take sweet…

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Rising Star

The colours came as a pleasant surprise. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting an extra hour of sleep tomorrow. The only problem is this officially means the end of those lovely long…

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Pretty Woman

A large amount of pink string was used to generate this image :) Today's Gratitude Item: Managing to complete most of my marking. Basically I spent all day marking my…

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Straight Down

The name really says it all. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to literally make up a 'play list' of dance songs 'on the go'. Playing our music off an Android…

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String Explosion

As in "BOOM". Today's Gratitude Item: Discovering the power of praise. This is probably incredibly obvious to most teachers but I've finally gotten into the hang of praising my students…

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Golden Spindle

Thought this one would turn out better than it did (aka: a disappointment). Today's Gratitude Item: A break-through of sorts with a student who is struggling. It will be interesting…

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Green Tread

As in tyre meets mother nature. Today's Gratitude Item: Predictive text and finally having a cellphone that let's me utilise that feature. The mystery of how my students create messages…

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