Negative Petal Space

Sometimes what is not there is just as important as what is there. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally being able to call parents using the schools phone system (which allows staff…

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Midnight Coils

Perhaps this one should have been called 'Ornate Arrangement'. Today's Gratitude Item: Being home again after dance. Whilst I love dance, being back home again (where it is nice and…

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Interest Seal

As in an old style document seal that looks rather interesting. Today's Gratitude Item: That getting back pre-moderation feedback for an assessment I'm developing was remarkably quick. I will need…

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Nocturnal Glowing Rings

Another image that has a lot going on (in a good way). Today's Gratitude Item: Anxiety free storms. The weather has been windy and stormy with bits of rain. Happily…

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Flower Patch

This one reminded me of a cool patch on a piece of denim fabric. It's one of those 'if only it were real' items. Today's Gratitude Item: A day that…

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Arrow Geometry

This one is too sharp to be a flower. Today's Gratitude Item: Fewer technical issues today - and figuring out how to solve the problem that my students were having…

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Ghost Filigree

As in this one looks like a bunch of ghosts joined by a thin wire. Today's Gratitude Item: A delightful day spent making a series of fractals. It was remarkably…

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Flower Ripple

This is a bit too bright in the center. Today's Gratitude Item: Speedy responses to emails. It's nice when one does not have to wait too long to get an…

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Turkish Delight

Named for the pattern rather than the dessert. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting to experience Virtual Reality for the first time. It was intense but really cool. I can see how…

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Moth Diamond

I really liked the 'feathery' texture of the wings so this one got rendered. Today's Gratitude Item: Having time to catch up with a whole lot of 'stuff' that needed…

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