Frond Fabric
If this fabric were real, I'd buy it and make it into throw pillows. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a seven letter word in scrabble that fell over two triple word…
If this fabric were real, I'd buy it and make it into throw pillows. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a seven letter word in scrabble that fell over two triple word…
The colours reminded me of summer at the beach (minus the sand of course). Today's Gratitude Item: Getting to day 700 studying Hebrew on Duolingo. :)
If this were real, what would it taste like? Today's Gratitude Item: A repeat of last Friday's lovely bread and hot soup for lunch. The soup flavour was different (still…
There is something quite relaxing about this one. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally having lovely dry weather on a weekend - which means being able to get outside and go for…
This one looks like a graph that is measuring something. Today's Gratitude item: Getting most of the stuff on my holiday 'to do' list done! It's a good feeling and…
The detail in the middle of this one is quite interesting. Today's Gratitude Item: Quite a productive day - am feeling *almost* ready to go back to school on Monday…
It turns out that a hole in the wall can be a good thing. Today's Gratitude Item: Making significant progress on the tutorial series that I'm busy creating.
Perhaps this one should have been called 'Blue Cacti'. Today's Gratitude Item: A gorgeous fine day, made even better by the knowledge that I'm still on holiday next week. Of…
Where the crescents in question are small but very detailed. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally correctly updating a spreadsheet that has been on my 'to do' list for a while (and…
Similar to last night's offering but nicer (so it got kept). Today's Gratitude Item: Finding some key information quickly and easily. It's good when that happens.