Textured Daze
Revisiting old favourites is always a good idea. Today's Gratitude Item: A very useful webinar. Whilst some of the material was not exactly 'news', there was a lot there that…
Revisiting old favourites is always a good idea. Today's Gratitude Item: A very useful webinar. Whilst some of the material was not exactly 'news', there was a lot there that…
Fractal architecture looks best at dawn. Today's Gratitude Item: 'Little things' that are not so little. Like not having to fill up my car because it magically got done for…
Sometimes spiky can work out well. As long as one is not on the receiving end of said spikes. Today's Gratitude Item: Being indoors on a *very* rainy day.
Presenting yet another woven design. The colours seemed like a great idea at the time but now I'm not so sure. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally finding out how to make…
Reminded me of wooden planks that are commonly used for decking. Today's Gratitude Item: Surviving a 'cover' where brownies were made (it was a Food Tech class). Things went much…
The pattern reminded me of the rings one might see when cutting a large hailstone in half. Today's Gratitude Item: My level 1 students are now pretty much 'trained' and…
This one is best appreciated at full-size. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting some small but important tasks completed. Sometimes even tiny bits of progress can be sufficient.
Unusually, this one looks better at smaller sizes. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting quick answers after a frustrating day. It's my own fault - I should have 'reached out' for help…
Sometimes images are pretty much perfect and any clip-art / added background would only detract from the work. Clearly, this was one of those times. Today's Gratitude Item: My Rabbi…
Took a while to get this one to 'work'. It may be a bit 'intense' for some. Today's Gratitude Item: Colleagues from other schools who are willing to share time,…