Golden Sun
Was super-pleased with this one. It took ages to 'perfect' but at least my efforts were not in vain. Today's Gratitude Item: A "welcome back" coffee mug, cappuccino sachet and…
Was super-pleased with this one. It took ages to 'perfect' but at least my efforts were not in vain. Today's Gratitude Item: A "welcome back" coffee mug, cappuccino sachet and…
This one reminded me of a pansy - on steroids. Today's Gratitude Item: Peace and quiet on my last day of holidays. I simply love being left to my own…
This one would look good on top of a Christmas Tree. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally finishing my second Apophysis Tutorial / Screencast. It was good practice to make said screencast…
These are too structured to be natural but I liked the symmetry. Today's Gratitude Item: That my dad's blackberry takes really good reference photos (and that he was able to…
Another trip down memory lane - at least as far as revisiting what was done before. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to send sms messages via the Internet. Not only…
This one reminded me of feathers dusted with gold. Today's Gratitude Item: That google docs makes it easy for my students to share work with me - especially if they…
This one is the fifth wallpaper in the "Shema" series. The Hebrew is from the Shema and translates as: And you shall teach them diligently to your children, and you…
This one is the fourth wallpaper in the "Shema" series. The Hebrew is from the Shema and translates as: And these words that I command you today shall be in…
This one is the third wallpaper in the "Shema" series. The Hebrew is from the Shema and translates as: And you shall love the Lord your God with all your…
This one is the second in the "Shema" series. The Hebrew is from the Shema and translates as: Blessed be the Name of His glorious kingdom for ever and ever.…