Time Swirl

This one looks like half a flower. Oddly, that is a good thing. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting all of my "Chag" images for the upcoming holidays completed. These will feature…

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Can Wish

Again, the quotation struck a chord. It is as relevant to creating fractals as to everyday life. Today's Gratitude Item: Our community finally has a new Rabbi. We have been…

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Agno Curve

As in its a curve which I'm not sure about (agno from the "agnostic" / unknowable). Today's Gratitude Item: All of my classes have entered their data into the Census…

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Green Disturbance

Had a lot of fun getting this particular ripple effect. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting up on time. We had a brief power failure at around 5:50am meaning that my alarm…

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Weird Wind

Another "Glynnia" experiment that went rather well. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to create fractals as an escape from what has been a difficult, frustrating day. Lets just say that…

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Data Path

Sometimes it seems that we are more likely to be swayed by interesting anecdotes than dry data. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting home from work at a reasonable hour. Having a…

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Many Diamonds

Its different, but I like it. Today's Gratitude Item: Discovering that at school it is possible to photocopy an A3 page for the same price as an A4 page. This…

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Pulsating Beat

Dedicated to a certain drummer who, on occasion abandons said instrument and opts to dance. Today's Gratitude Item: Figuring out how to book the IT suite so that my students…


Serene Blue

Dedicated to "the photocopy lady" who is so much more than that! Today's Gratitude Item: That it is incredibly easy to publish Interactive Geogebra Applets on the web. The user…

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The Clever Kind

This is dedicated to a colleague from my old school who is not only kind, but clever too. We go back quite a long way and trust me when I…

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