
It took forever to find the perfect gradient, but eventually patience paid off. Today's Gratitude Item: That our amazing lab techs remembered me talking about how I meant to order…

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Cured Boredom

This one started life as an apophysis flame but has been heavily post processed in Paintshop Pro - what can I say? I was bored! Today's Gratitude Item: A reasonably…

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Furled Flowers

Right now my home Internet is broken - again. This is the second time in as many weeks and has much to do with "work" happening outside on our street.…

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This could be a sinister new weapon. Its officially part of my "pessimism" series. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting lots of little things "out of the way". It never ceases to…

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Portal to the Unknown

This one is a portal to the unknown - getting through said portal could be difficult given the large, unfriendly guard. Today's Gratitude Item: Having just enough battery power left…

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Hidden Butterfly

There's a butterfly in this one - and its all good. Today's Gratitude Item: Figuring out how work the "caption" feature of Geogebra. This makes creating diagrams for teaching /…

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Oh Dear

Presenting another "What was I thinking?" moment. Today's Gratitude Item: That my version of Apophysis is behaving again. Last night it was throwing up some pretty strange errors and refusing…

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Ribbon Flower

If you are forced to wait around, making a list of stuff to do is better than wasting time doing nothing. Today's Gratitude Item: My boss lent me a series…

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Humble Reason

Just a gentle reminder that sometimes the minority happen to be correct. Today's Gratitude Item: Still being on holiday. The state schools went back today but we get another week…

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Was surprised to see the Candelabra in the background of this one. Pity it only has 5 branches and not seven. The clipart is based on a ride over at…

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