Friday Beers

Whilst I love Friday, beer is not my thing. This is for those who enjoy a good ale. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting half way through updating one of the websites…


Drum Bowl

Weirdly, this image has the same "base" as "Friday Beers". Its amazing how small changes to fractal parameters have such a big effect. There's probably a metaphor for life somewhere…

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Snow Fuzz

This one turned out far better than expected. Today's Gratitude Item: Being left to my own devices :) Its really nice to be able to "geek out" and play.

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Magic Garden

In this garden, the centipedes wear really tiny red shoes. That's just the way it is. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting back into illustrating - its been too long since I…


Afternoon Activity

Watering plants in the late afternoon is a good idea - especially if its been a really hot day. Dedicated to all those gardeners out there. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting…

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Wing Drop

If you put a drop of water on a butterfly's wing, it might look a bit like this - assuming you managed to find a blue, orange and white butterfly.…


Calm Estuary

The fractal reminded me of a series of rivers merging with the ocean. The meditating stick figure is recycled from a project that I was working on before. More stick…

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Ocean Drop

At sunset (of course). Today's Gratitude Item: DVD's on "Space" that magically appeared from a colleague's drawer. Long story short, my "Space" unit is laptop based. My students have to…

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Fa’a Samoa

In memory of all those who perished in the Tsunami Tragedy.* *Both ship and ocean were created before the Tsunami struck. The colours of the sea were selected so that…

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Swiring Sea

Dedicated to my Dutch colleagues and friends. I recycled one of my old flags to make the sail. Today's Gratitude Item: Not having to do the reader / writer thing!…

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