Paradise Waffle

If they served waffles in paradise, this is what they would look like. Today's Gratitude Item: That Yom Kippur is over for another year! The weather today was rainly and…


Light Feathers

Sometimes just playing around can lead to beautiful things. Today's Gratitude Item: That the large overnight / part of the day render that I did worked! Its a long story…


Ink Splash

In my world, this is what splashes of ink look like. Today's Gratitude Item: That summer is pretty much here! Today was the first "hot" day we have had in…

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This is what happens when you let that king touch your shrubs. Ruined I tell you. Simply ruined! Today's Gratitude Item: Clear blue skies and cool weather. Today was perfect…


Intimate Depth

Dig deep enough and you may be surprised at what emerges. Today's Gratitude Item: Being almost finished with my senior reports. Happily it was only one class worth and my…

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Blue Clam

This one was more "clam shaped" than anything, hence the name. Today's Gratitude Item: My 8th graders are finding our new Geometry topic very easy. Finally, we have something that…

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Cotton Clouds

Clouds are good not only for rain, but also for ones imagination. As kids, we used to look up at the sky and say "that one looks like a ....".…

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Sun Stone

If you could capture the sun in a stone, Would you claim it all as your own? Or would you try and play it fair, By giving each one you…

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Forest Floor

Same parameters as "Blue Cocoon" but with a touch of the "bubble" variant. I was surprised with the result.Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to go for a nice long walk…

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Blue Cocoon

Do blue butterflies hatch from blue cocoons??Today's Gratitude Item: That I am done marking two sets of "block tests" for my 8th graders. They took the test today and quite…

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