Disc Adventure
As in an image made up of lots of small discs. Today's Gratitude Item: Many of my students are working extremely hard. I know this because they are getting the…
As in an image made up of lots of small discs. Today's Gratitude Item: Many of my students are working extremely hard. I know this because they are getting the…
The spikes in this one could be roads - and they are all pointing to the same place. Today's Gratitude Item: Positive feedback from one of the student teachers who…
Was not too sure about this one - it was *just* interesting enough to keep. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a reasonably early night for the second time in as many…
If the fabric is made up of a large number of dots, stains are easily masked. Today's Gratitude Item: A surprisingly calm and quiet day at school because quite a…
Reminded me a bit of a coral reef. Today's Gratitude Item: That my marking did not take as long as feared. Encouraging students to upload 'proof of life' images which…
As in an arch made up of thorns. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally finding a web based colour picker which allows users to enter an html code and then generate more…
Complete with metallic thorns. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting to the end of a long week. Whilst we've only been back at school for seven school days - it feels like…
This one is definitely in the 'interesting' category. Today's Gratitude Item: Being back at school. It was nice to have time to catch up with colleagues without our students being…
Weirdly, this one looks better in a smaller size. Today's Gratitude Item: A brilliant 'last day' of summer holidays. I'm *almost* looking forward to going back to school tomorrow...
The shadows on this one made it interesting enough to keep. Today's Gratitude Item: Completing an ePub / resource to teach 'advanced' web design to my students. I still need…