Gutter Puddles
The shape reminded me of a tin roof, the colour means that there is water lurking in the cracks. Today's Gratitude Item: A successful last day of timetabled classes. Next…
The shape reminded me of a tin roof, the colour means that there is water lurking in the cracks. Today's Gratitude Item: A successful last day of timetabled classes. Next…
This one has a bit of a '60's vibe - even if the colours are slightly subdued. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting through another 'too busy' day. I keep hoping that…
A cool variation on a recent theme. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting one more item ticked off the 'to do' list. Am now looking forward to a wonderful guilt-free weekend.
Where the tile is obvious and the butterfly is quite subtle. Today's Gratitude Item: A lovely 'do nothing' day. Holidays really are the best - especially after a 'full on'…
Another one of those 'I wish this was a real thing' images. Today's Gratitude Item: A pretty good day where most things went quite well. I think the barista coffee…
It's glowing and I felt compelled to render it - hence the name. Today's Gratitude Item: Glorious weather and not having to do anything! Having a day of rest after…
A delightful mix of circles and squares. Today's Gratitude Item: Having a lovely lunch with my brother. Dip and bread was involved :)
An image that shows that something disintegrating does not have to be a disaster. Today's Gratitude Item: Quite a successful day. Students are working hard (for the most part) and…
I *think* the horizontal lines on this one are straight but it's really hard to tell. Today's Gratitude Item: Being motivated enough to finalise some grades from last term. It…
At a glance this one is really basic but a closer look reveals some nice detail on the tiles. Today's Gratitude Item: Beautiful, fresh *coffee* muffins. Baked goods straight out…