Falling in Love
Looks like it could be painful! Today's Gratitude Item: Four "on demand" downloads from Shutterstock which is doing something to salvage what has been a rather tragic month.
Looks like it could be painful! Today's Gratitude Item: Four "on demand" downloads from Shutterstock which is doing something to salvage what has been a rather tragic month.
I wish this stuff was real so I could use it as gift wrap. Never mind. Today's Gratitude Item: That the Takahe did not get my lunch. We went on…
Dedicated to all of those who are still waiting!Sometimes, we do not know what is sneaking up behind us! Today's Gratitude Item: Getting to do a First Aid refresher for…
Our kitchen timer got a Valentines makeover :) The real thing is not pink with hearts, but it would be cool if it was. Today's Gratitude Item: That the vast…
This image features a recycled butterfly! I think it "works" though. Today's Gratitude Item: A Valentines day onion. I'm not joking. One of my ex-students gave me a Valentines day…
When I was a kid, we used to have fun by giving each other rides in the wheelbarrow. Turns out that having fun with wheelbarrows is still possible - and…
Valentines is actually a ploy by florists, chocolate makers and the postal service! That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Today's Gratitude Item: A wonderful date. The dried fruit…
This is the ultimate Valentines wallpaper - its not too "girly" and it has room for those all important icons. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting my graphic for Tu B'Shvat finished.…
I seriously love Apophysis! What more is can I say? Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a lot done. Had a very productive day in the graphics department. My efforts will feature…
Its shiny, it sparkles and its made of gold silk. Its another "Valentines" classic. Today's Gratitude Item: Good *dental* health. As in my annual visit to the dentist went very…