Spiral Festival

It seemed like a bright idea at the time. Today's Gratitude Item: CS4HS (Computer Science For High Schools) is happening in Auckland tomorrow. I'm looking most forward to the event.

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Pipe Wires

As in a series of pipes made out of fractal wire. Today's Gratitude Item: Remembering to top up my HOP card (for travelling into the city by bus on Monday).…

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Linked Gold

Interesting things happened when this one was post processed. Today's Gratitude Item: A really good day in which significant progress was made. Here's hoping tomorrow is more of the same.

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Wave Flex

As in a very flexible wave. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting everything I need for my presentation on Monday. This includes prizes for the participants as there is a cunning plan…

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Extreme Spin

A bit of a disappointment but not quite bad enough to bin. Today's Gratitude Item: Discovering that the cheapest place to get colour photocopying done without needing to go in…

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Block Patch

A fun variation on a theme. Today's Gratitude Item: Making good progress on a presentation that I'm giving next week. It's amazing just how long preparing for these things can…

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Knot Hole

As in a hole that one makes when tying a fractal knot. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting back into work mode. My first task is to prepare for a workshop that…

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Magic String Flower

As opposed to a regular string flower. Today's Gratitude Item: Working out ways to limit spam on a client's website. It's a constant battle so making progress on this front…

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Odd Blocks

The result of some very careful playing. Today's Gratitude Item: Having a stack of library books to read. Most of them fall under the category of 'light entertainment' which is…

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String Daze

The holes in this one were put in using GIMP. It took a while but was worth the effort. Today's Gratitude Item: Being the first to use our new oven.…

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