Pastel String Play
Perhaps this should have been titled 'Kitten's Delight'. Today's Gratitude Item: A long nap and a new puzzle book. Life is good.
Perhaps this should have been titled 'Kitten's Delight'. Today's Gratitude Item: A long nap and a new puzzle book. Life is good.
It's a miracle that this one did not get tangled / knotted. Today's Gratitude Item: Banana boxes. They are a great size for transporting obsolete books to the skip for…
Perfect of a mostly calming desktop. Today's Gratitude Item: Another productive day. We had our department PD day which meant no students but lots to do.
This one is both busy and intricate. I think desktop icons could easily get lost here. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to rely on my friends. Having others to carry…
A bit too pink for my taste but still quite fun. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting the music for a dance I'm hoping to teach to my group tomorrow. It should…
Sometimes intense woven patterns are worth further exploration. Today's Gratitude Item: Finishing a fairly major project. Getting to the end felt amazing :)
Is a 'pipe flower' better than a pipe dream? Today's Gratitude Item: Figuring out why one of the shortcuts in Sigil was broke when I upgraded to the latest version.…
This was one of those times when zooming in (a lot) made al the difference. Today's Gratitude Item: That finding the errors in a colleague's SQL did not take nearly…
There are droplets and waves in this one but it's still not quite water. Today's Gratitude Item: Great timing. Trying to record video in a school where the bell is…
Messing around with this one in GIMP was a good idea. Am quite happy with the final outcome. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting loads done during our latest 'teacher only' day.…