Spiral Lens

This one only 'worked' when I post processed - a lot. Having said that, the 3D effect is quite satisfying. Today's Gratitude Item: Having some really successful zoom sessions with…

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Square Spin

If you spin a square around in my world, this is what happens. Today's Gratitude Item: Hot cheesy buttered bread for lunch, fresh from the oven. It simply does not…

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Squared Away

A geometric experiment which went better than expected. Today's Gratitude Item: That the parsley we planted about a month ago has grown enough to be able to be harvested for…

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Splendid String

I played with this one a bit in GIMP. The 'windows' were not part of the original fractal. Today's Gratitude Item: Realising that it is possible to get repl.it to…

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Subdued Shamrock

This one makes me feel lucky. Today's Gratitude Item: That quickly deleting unwanted emails in my 'sent' box in gmail was extremely easy. Turns out there's a search option that…

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Infinite String Diamond

Named for the string and the small diamond in the center. Today's Gratitude Item: That we now have access to shared google drives at school. This will make sharing (and…

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Extra Stringy

Like melted cheese, some fractals turn out to be extra stringy. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally understanding how Christofides algorithm works. This great little interactive was the key. Everything else I…

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String Pansy

This one was a bit of a disappointment but it was not quite ugly enough to bin. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting through a rather busy day and managing to do…

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Mechanised Splash

This one has a nice mechanical 'feel' to it. Today's Gratitude Item: That tomorrow is a public holiday meaning that technically I don't have to work. It certainly takes some…

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Neptune’s Necklace

A nice woven, wave design that turned out reasonably well. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to access previously disabled Chrome 'add ons' from my school account. This required some changes…

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