Silk Shards

Another pretty background that I could not bare to bin. Today's Gratitude Item: The falafel that I made for lunch today was a hit. I used this recipe and everything…

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Teal Float

This could be the start of a funky aquarium. Today's Gratitude Item: Having a large space to dance in, right here in the comfort of my own home. Some re-arranging…

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Silk Lichen

The 3D effect made this one worth holding on to. Today's Gratitude Item: That a colleague I was a bit worried about is actually fine and the reason my email…

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Network Interference

As in a woven, network pattern which includes waves. Today's Gratitude Item: Being on holiday and being up-to-date with my marking. Having school holidays during the COVID-19 lock-down is strange…

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Spike Celebration

In the original version, the spikes were bigger and they sort of looked like Christmas Trees (hence the name). Today's Gratitude Item: A relaxing day where there was time to…

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Viola Funk

As in a really funky viola / Pansy Today's Gratitude Item: Zoom have lifted the time limit on meetings due to COVID-19. This gives us another option when it comes…

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Fire Pole

Had quite a bit of fun with this one. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally having time to make some fractals for the first time since the end of January. It had…

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Ripple Rings

Another image that proves that 'different' is not necessarily 'better' - was not ugly enough to bin. Today's Gratitude Item: Our remote dancing 'Tech Check' went well. The idea was…

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Fibre Connection

This one is actually a bit bright but at least it is cheerful. Today's Gratitude Item: Good friends and the possibility of running a dance class on-line. It's a crazy…

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Doodle Waves

Sometimes when I doodle, I make random patterns / geometric shapes rather than anything concrete. This is the fractal equivalent. Today's Gratitude Item: Being safe. Being at home with loved…

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