Inky Sea
This is what happens when the sand meets the sea in a fractal universe. Today's Gratitude Item: That putting in a 'degree' symbol in Python is actually really simple. It…
This is what happens when the sand meets the sea in a fractal universe. Today's Gratitude Item: That putting in a 'degree' symbol in Python is actually really simple. It…
This one could either be spring arriving, or summer leaving. It's hard to tell. Today's Gratitude Item: The bread-maker! Nothing is quite as delicious as freshly baked bread products. Today's…
We've definitely been here before! Today's Gratitude Item: Getting to sleep in a *tiny* bit. It made all the difference!
A perfect image for a perfect summer's day. Today's Gratitude Item: That it was not too hot today! I really enjoyed the overcast, cooler weather.
Another one of those times when 'subtle' is 'good'. Today's Gratitude Item: - this is one of my favourite tools and it's great for wire-framing and can also be…
It's good when metallic / beady flowers appear on one's screen. Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to watch the butterflies on our swan plan emerge from their chrysalises. There is…
This might be the strongest piece in this particular series. Today's Gratitude Item: Writing a program that lets me easily solve polygonle (a Wordle like puzzle game). Using the program…
This looks like something out of the '60's... Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting a piece of JavaScript / jQuery to cooperate. It took forever to do something that should have…
This one looks a bit organic - in a good way. Today's Gratitude Item: Quite a fun day where I got a few odds and ends sorted.
Not sure how strong this column is, given the holes that are part of the design. Today's Gratitude Item: Adding captions to my Level 1 Programming Videos on YouTube. This…