Thought Flow

Dedicated to one of my colleagues who had the job of looking after all our seventh graders last year. How she did that without going insane is one of life's…

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Good Fun

Dedicated to one of my colleagues (old school) who has far more patience than I. She is a really cool person and is always telling her class to "be good…

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Thinking Man

Dedicated to one of my colleagues how is a real genius when it comes to all things IT. The coolest thing about him is that he happily shares his discoveries…

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Bond, Ionic Bond

Dedicated to one of my colleagues who teaches Chemistry. I suspect the quotation will amuse him. Today's Gratitude Item: For the first time ever, none of my miniature cheese rolls…

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Infinite Entities

Dedicated to one of my Mathematics colleagues (from my old school). The quotation matches his sense of humour perfectly. Today's Gratitude Item: Free morning tea and free lunch. Morning tea…

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Clear Perception

Dedicated to one of the Biology teachers at my old school who got to spend far too much time in front of a computer. Today's Gratitude Item: That everything went…

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Best Books

Dedicated to another colleague who spends most of her time reminding students how to research effectively. Today's Gratitude Item: My photocopy card is working and I can now print stuff…

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Eye Fern

Dedicated to one of my Maths colleagues from my old school - she requested the quotation. Weirdly it fits the image quite well. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting the electronic…

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Dancing Skeleton

Dedicated to one of my colleagues from my previous school who has a passion for biology (amongst other things). She also has a great sense of humour (posing with a…

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Simple Physics

Dedicated to a colleague who showed me the joys of the google sky app on his cell phone. Its no surprise that such a great guy would "discover" such a…

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