Psychelic High Jump
Reason #53 why you should not take drugs! Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to use my Graphing calculator in my Statistics exam. After initially being told that this was not…
Reason #53 why you should not take drugs! Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to use my Graphing calculator in my Statistics exam. After initially being told that this was not…
So, are you strong enough? Today's Gratitude Item: That two of the three pairs of trousers I bought on the weekend did not require shortening. I'm "vertically challenged" and have…
This may fit someone's desktop to a "tee". Today's Gratitude Item: Having another week of holiday! "Regular" schools go back tomorrow but we have one more week of vacation. This…
Dedicated to all of you out there who at some stage, asked your parents for a horse for a birthday present. Today's Gratitude Item: A "best day ever" over at…
The Star of David and stripes in this image are basically modified Sierpinski Triangles that have been duplicated "tiled" to create the design. Dedicated to Ze'ev. Today's Gratitude Item: ACD…
Presenting another in my "horse" series. Today's Gratitude Item: Marinated onions. I'd share the recipe but its a family secret :)
The title really says it all. Today's Gratitude Item: Adequate heating! Today was another one of those really cold days - which was not a problem as I sat upstairs…
This one was inspired by one of my students who did really well in Equestrian (nationals). There may be more "horse play" to come. Today's Gratitude Item: Remembering to recharge…
Complete with fractal net :) Today's Gratitude Item: Getting clarification / an explanation for one of my Statistics questions. Email is a wonderful thing.
This is a MBF (Mind boggling fractal) creation which bears contemplation. Today's Gratitude Item: That my mom volunteered to proof read the summary sheets that I'm in the process of…