
Images of war will always evoke strong emotions. Does this inspire horror, patriotism or pity? Today's Gratitude Item: That our front door is working again. We had a slight issue…

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Old Man

Is this what James Bond will look like when he gets old? This would fit in well with the whole "Gold finger" thing. Today's Gratitude Item: That despite not having…

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Dance Like Nobody’s Watching

This one is for all those Israeli dancers out there! Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a book for my mom that she really wanted. The library where I volunteer on Sundays…

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Angel Equipment

Golden ripple effect made in Tierazon. Harp created with illustrator. Today's Gratitude Item: Slippers which are more like boots! Autumn is here and it gets cold sitting at the computer…

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Flamingo Feathers

This one is dedicated to my mom. She knows why :) Today's Gratitude Item: That today was the last day of school for a while. We now have a lovely…


Shadow Dawn

This one has a weird '60's feel about it. It fits firmly into the "different" category. Today's Gratitude Item: That the last of my parent-teacher interviews have been done. Long…


Ripple Frog

Background made in Tierazon. Took ages to come up with the accompanying graphic. Today's Gratitude Item: Being given chocolate at dance group. Said chocolate was from two different people, which…


Super Mop

This design reminded me of a funky kitchen floor. Of course it is important to mop the kitchen floor on a regular basis :) Today's Gratitude Item: Being "out" on…


American Kite

One thing that was really obvious when I visited the States back in 2004 was the extreme patriotism of the American people. Everywhere I looked, I was reminded of where…

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