Elegant Fan
Could not decide on the colours for the fan and by accident made it black. Sometimes accidents can be fortuitous. Today's Gratitude Item: That it rained all day today. We…
Could not decide on the colours for the fan and by accident made it black. Sometimes accidents can be fortuitous. Today's Gratitude Item: That it rained all day today. We…
3D clay pot meets fractal fabric. Was fun to make. Today's Gratitude Item: Camp week. Everyone at school is "out" all of next week at camp. Due to the part…
This is the same paintbrush used in the last image. I'm into recycling :) Today's Gratitude Item: A while ago, I designed a CD cover for Nigel Moore's new CD…
It's time to come clean folks. This is how fractals are really made. All you need is a digital paintbrush. Today's Gratitude Item: Not having to be out on the…
Its amazing what you can make when you have the right tools. Today's Gratitude Item: The ability to learn from past mistakes. Lets just say that this time round, I…
This style is a welcome change from creating fractals. I'm enjoying the break. Today's Gratitude Item: Cloudy days where it doesn't rain!
Dedicated to all those James Bond fans out there. Today's Gratitude Item: A fun picnic at the beach. Also a good time to get some reference shots of sea shells.…
A bit different form my usual offerings but I like it. Hopefully it will sell well on Shutterstock. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting new sneakers - at a great price. They…
Our kitchen timer got a Valentines makeover :) The real thing is not pink with hearts, but it would be cool if it was. Today's Gratitude Item: That the vast…
This image features a recycled butterfly! I think it "works" though. Today's Gratitude Item: A Valentines day onion. I'm not joking. One of my ex-students gave me a Valentines day…