Bubble Birth
This is the place where bubbles are born! was particularly pleased with how it turned out. Today's Gratitude Item: That the South Africans won the Rugby World Cup and that…
This is the place where bubbles are born! was particularly pleased with how it turned out. Today's Gratitude Item: That the South Africans won the Rugby World Cup and that…
I've started creating Christmas graphics for sale at Shutterstock. Its not as hard for me as it was last year. In fact, this tree turned out quite well. It was…
For some reason, I'm still not bored with these Apo "weaves". This one has a nice metallic feel to it. Today's Gratitude Item: This really cool piece of software called…
This one is a bit whimsical. I started making icon space at the top and realised that it looked just like my kitchen blinds! The string and ring were a…
All that's missing from this fractal ocean are the fish and dolphins. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting let out of school a bit early! The school where I was today had…
Same basic params as yesterday's effort, different final transform and gradient. I think the effect is rather interesting. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a whole lot of small things done! None…
Identical to "Funky Pink Curl" but mirrored and with a flaming gradient. Could not decide which I preferred. Today's Gratitude Item: Realising that I set my alarm clock wrong before…
Its green, orange and more "funky" than my usual offerings. What do you think? Today's Gratitude Item: That my next door neighbour is passionate about framing stuff. Turns out its…
Is it just me, or does this look a bit like a sunflower?? Today's Gratitude Item: Bendy plastic rulers. Turns out that they have many uses, one of which is…
The "great" in this case is referring to the size of the gauze rather than its quality. Today's Gratitude Item: How my stuff manages to find its way back to…