Weird Wave Tunnel
There is something quite dynamic about this one. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding a $5 note on my walk (a great start to the day). Also being able to download my…
There is something quite dynamic about this one. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding a $5 note on my walk (a great start to the day). Also being able to download my…
The flower part was nice enough to make this one worth keeping - even though the rest is a bit messy. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting close to completing my current…
I like both the colours and texture of this one. Today's Gratitude Item: A remarkably busy (but fun) Sunday in which quite a few things on the list got done.…
Is it me or is this one a bit dreary? Today's Gratitude Item: Air conditioning! It's been very, very hot and being able to keep cool is wonderful.
In retrospect, this one might be a bit too old fashioned! Today's Gratitude Item: That 'chatbot' is an official scrabble word. Not only is it seven letters but it fell…
Another 'simple but good' image. Today's Gratitude Item: Figuring out why my work computer fan was almost constantly going and then fixing the problem. I'm due for a new machine…
This image was made quite a long time ago. Perhaps it is one of those things that will always be current. Today's Gratitude Item: When my computer blue screened I…
Here is a bold, summery fractal for all those spiral lovers out there. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting up at a civilised hour. I'm loving not having to get up at…
An image that looked good at the time but now I'm not so sure. Today's Gratitude Item: A day where everything went smoothly - it's lovely when that happens.
Sometimes bold colours are the way to go. Today's Gratitude Item: A beautiful peaceful day of rest and relaxation.