Square Splash
Presenting yet more waves which are far too structured to be natural. Today's Gratitude Item: That one of my students (who has now finished school) gave me a lovely box…
Presenting yet more waves which are far too structured to be natural. Today's Gratitude Item: That one of my students (who has now finished school) gave me a lovely box…
It's a variation on a theme but it looked quite pretty so it got rendered. Today's Gratitude Item: Natural justice. Like when someone not only breaches copyright but hot links…
The wave pattern on this one reminded me of a corrugated iron roof. Today's Gratitude Item: Discovering Stencyl. It's a brilliant piece of game making software which let's one create…
Got really lucky with this one :) Today's Gratitude Item: That the new blogger interface is actually quite good. I was afraid it would be horrible / buggy but so…
This one took forever to create. Happily the gradient was kind to me and it turned out well in the end. Today's Gratitude Item: Cooler weather :) Normally things are…
Needed both dragon and wave for a recent project. I'm pleased with how they turned out. Today's Gratitude Item: That my going away on a field trip for two days…
This one took an insane amount of time to create. It was worth it though. Today's Gratitude Item: My dance teacher gave me a really cool black bag (with chocolate…