On the Boil
Reminded me of those oil / water designs we used to create as kids. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting another of our 'Digital Common Assessment' tasks out of the way. Am…
Reminded me of those oil / water designs we used to create as kids. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting another of our 'Digital Common Assessment' tasks out of the way. Am…
The middle is quite pretty - not too sure about the rest though. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally being 'done' for the night. It's been a long (but productive) day. At…
This one has been post-processed quite a bit. The final result is OK but I'd hoped for more blue and less pink. Today's Gratitude Item: After school snacks. It was…
This particular fractal ocean is almost 3D. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting one of those huge, 'once a year' jobs done. It took ages and I'm really happy that it is…
Another in the 'probably too bright' category. Today's Gratitude Item: Less marking? This one has a question mark because whilst it's nice not to have to spend a massively long…
I'm pretty sure we've been here before - this one was pretty enough to be worth keeping. Today's Gratitude Item: A 'sort of' early night. In that it is not…
Maybe this one should have been called 'Jagged Ocean'. Today's Gratitude Item: A relaxed evening after quite a busy day at school. At least the kids were *mostly* good.
There is something quite relaxing about this one. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally having lovely dry weather on a weekend - which means being able to get outside and go for…
Fractal waves with a difference. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting amazing letters in scrabble. It's rare for this to happen so when it does, it's worth celebrating.
This one sort of reminded me of a visual representation of sound waves. Hence the name. Today's Gratitude Item: A busy day that ended well. Am very tired but am…