Frieze Flow
Another joyful blue and gold creation. Today's Gratitude Item: That formatting a contact 7 form on a client's website was fairly straight forward. This was one of those rare times…
Another joyful blue and gold creation. Today's Gratitude Item: That formatting a contact 7 form on a client's website was fairly straight forward. This was one of those rare times…
Simple but effective. Kept mainly because I could not bear to throw the gold bits away. Today's Gratitude Item: Learning how to use for creating Kan-ban boards. I prefer…
Is it me or is this one a bit dreary? Today's Gratitude Item: Air conditioning! It's been very, very hot and being able to keep cool is wonderful.
Here is a bold, summery fractal for all those spiral lovers out there. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting up at a civilised hour. I'm loving not having to get up at…
Is this the fractal equivalent of a day at the beach? Today's Gratitude Item: That my mother is a genius when it comes to wrapping gifts and hand crafting bows…
Where the waves in question are made from fire. Today's Gratitude Item: A good day back at school. It was lovely to see everyone again - especially as we are…
A pretty, soothing image after a fairly stressful day. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting our landline back in working order after Orcon screwed up the change of ownership. Actually get…
Another variation on a recent theme. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally learning how to write unit tests for Python programs. This has been on my 'to do' list for quite some…
As in waves made out of light. Today's Gratitude Item: One more day until the weekend! Right now I feel a bit like a rat on a wheel.
Sometimes in a fractal world, things can be rather rigid. This is one of those times. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting one of the 'big' things on the list started. Also,…