Bit of a Stretch
With added elastic! Today's Gratitude Item: Jet lag! As in my dodgiest student was due back from overseas today but I think he might be jet lagged as he did…
With added elastic! Today's Gratitude Item: Jet lag! As in my dodgiest student was due back from overseas today but I think he might be jet lagged as he did…
If this is the web, what does the spider look like? Today's Gratitude Item: Finally submitting my second Uni assignment. Two down, one more to go. Only problem is that…
This one is a variation on a theme. As usual, if you can't see the butterfly, try squinting Today's Gratitude Item: That updating my old version of XAMPP was a…
This one is for all the Trekkies out there. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a surprising amount of 'stuff' done. An actually feeling vaguely ready for the week ahead.
Took ages to get this one looking halfway decent. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding a perfect birthday card for a friend. Needless to say, said card was the source of both…
There's a nuclear hazard symbol in this one. If you don't see it, try squinting.` Today's Gratitude Item: The fact that my ear muffs are not only suitably warming, they…
Was super-pleased with the background on this one. I love experimenting! Today's Gratitude Item: Things getting a bit quieter at school. The first part of the week has been insanely…
Getting the mosaic background was not as simple as one might think. Today's Gratitude Item: Quite a significant 'issue' with my school laptop seems to have resolved itself. For months…
Reminded me a of a fractal spider creating a fractal web. Today's Gratitude Item: My "Assignments and Moodle" presentation to colleagues was well received. It's good when that happens.
An unexpected Apophysis creation :) Today's Gratitude Item: Realising that my external 'back up' drive was broken. It's been making a weird clicking noise and when I tried to access…