Ice Dance
This one required a lot of work and the end results was still not quite what I'd hoped for. Today's Gratitude Item: That April Fool's Day fell on a Saturday…
This one required a lot of work and the end results was still not quite what I'd hoped for. Today's Gratitude Item: That April Fool's Day fell on a Saturday…
In retrospect this one is much too bright. Never mind. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting quite a bit done during my 'non-contact' time today. Normally it's a struggle to be productive…
It's either a flower or an airplane propeller. It all depends on how you look at it. Today's Gratitude Item: Some posters that slightly enhanced some of my student's work…
Was messing around when this happened. It's kind of messy too - hence the name. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally being able to reconnect to a website which needed updating but…
A modern depiction of an ancient symbol. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting to read one of Jeffrey Archer's more recent books (Cometh the Hour). This was a rare treat as…
A flower made from purple stone bits. Today's Gratitude Item: That a rather troublesome leaking pipe has been fixed. Plumbers are a wonderful thing :)
Took a while to 'get' this one. Today's Gratitude Item: That the wind was blowing in the right direction. This meant getting to enjoy a beautiful rainbow on my walk…
Had fun creating this one. Today's Gratitude Item: Marking two classes worth of programming assessments. It took a while and was a bit tedious but I'm very glad that it…
This one was post-processed a bit - originally it was only half as good. Today's Gratitude Item: Writing a Python program to automatically copy and rename a .pdf to generate…
With those subdued colours this wave is definitely a winter phenomen. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting considerably quicker at uploading student work to gearhost / github. Using that particular combination has…