Angular Pots
The foreground reminded me of geometric urns. Hence the name. Today's Gratitude Item: That the worst of today's windy storm had passed by the time I needed to go to…
The foreground reminded me of geometric urns. Hence the name. Today's Gratitude Item: That the worst of today's windy storm had passed by the time I needed to go to…
The title really says it all. Today's Gratitude Item: A short week. Am really happy that tomorrow is Friday :)
This one took a bit of experimenting to get right. Today's Gratitude Item: That the heavy rain / stormy weather was not enough to deter most of my dance group.…
As in a pretty pink blossom that appeared on my screen in the middle of winter. Today's Gratitude Item: That the weather cleared enough for a walk outside. Was getting…
As in a pattern which is both spinning and checkered. Today's Gratitude Item: eTV - it's a service available to schools in New Zealand at a relatively low price where…
Another Fractal Science Kit experiment. It's still not quite what I'm aiming for but it's reasonably close. Today's Gratitude Item: Not being bored. Have heaps to do during the holidays…
Complete with rings, ice and snow. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding $5.00 on my morning walk followed by the best nap ever! Weather is really humid which might explain why napping…
I like the complexity of this one. Colours are not quite right though - was aiming for something brighter and more '3D'. Today's Gratitude Item: The fact that I have…
This one is reminiscent of old fashioned wallpaper - complete with the staid / stuffy feeling. I think I need to go back to using Apophysis. Today's Gratitude Item: That…
The 'RWB' stands for 'red, white an blue'. This one might be too busy for most screens. Today's Gratitude Item: Having time to catch up on those 'bits and pieces'…