Flower Bowl
What could be prettier than a bowl with a flower in it? Today's Gratitude Item: Winning an Android smart phone (thanks Vodafone)! Part of my professional development 'course' was a…
What could be prettier than a bowl with a flower in it? Today's Gratitude Item: Winning an Android smart phone (thanks Vodafone)! Part of my professional development 'course' was a…
Had fun with this one - possibly because it is a bit unusual. Today's Gratitude Item: Motivated students. All too many of my students are not motivated / hard working…
And he has a bunch of spare eyes to help with the job. I know it's not the season but over here, it's almost winter and winter = Santa Claus…
The texture is OK - the colour (or more precisely lack thereof) is not. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally finding a 'work around' so that I can at least view my…
Perhaps one of my brighter ideas?? Today's Gratitude Item: That Visual Basic is a lot easier to explain / understand the second time around. Last year, my students really struggled…
Dedicated to all those mathematicians out there. Today's Gratitude Item: Realising that we are not stuck with the default "school" theme* in Moodle. As in each user can opt for…
The pixelation is on purpose. Created to celebrate Waitangi day 2013. "Taonga" can be *very* roughly translated as "treasure". Today's Gratitude Item: That tomorrow is a public holiday :) It…
Took a while to get this one "just right" but it was worth the effort. Today's Gratitude Item: See image below. Thanks Shutterstock!
The result of a bit of fooling around. Must remind myself not to do that too much. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting at least a bit of work done. I've created…
This one was a struggle. Its too similar to previous efforts and whilst its pretty enough, its hardly original. Sometimes it goes like that :( Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting…