Turning Japanese
It's a bit special when a fractal image looks similar to a country's flag / symbol. Today's Gratitude Item: Catching up on sleep. It was needed more than usual as…
It's a bit special when a fractal image looks similar to a country's flag / symbol. Today's Gratitude Item: Catching up on sleep. It was needed more than usual as…
A simple title for quite a nice image. Today's Gratitude Item: That two of the students in my new tutor group get to school early and they are now in…
These look quite strong / masculine which makes a nice change from some of the prettier designs that have been featured here. Today's Gratitude Item: Making through a very busy…
Named because it looks like several scarves coming together. Today's Gratitude Item: Having everything I need (including time) to to get a bit crafty. Taking a bit of a break…
This one is a bit too busy for my liking. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally updating my personal website so that it runs off WordPress. Hopefully the update will also help…
This one is a variation on a theme. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting all my practice exam marking done. It's a good feeling to have that 'marking mountain' under control.
Waves / ripples often appear on my screen. Invariably this is a good thing. Today's Gratitude Item: Not being late for work after an alarm mishap which resulted in oversleeping…
The gold bits made this one worth keeping. Today's Gratitude Item: Having a really useful conversation with my colleagues in the English department around options for setting up Digital Exams.
A variation on a theme that was pretty enough to keep. Today's Gratitude Item: Finding 70c at school (three coins, two different places). It was weird but in a good…
As in waves made of coloured light. Today's Gratitude Item: Being ready for school tomorrow. It will be great to see my students again.