Stormy Marine Spiral
This one looked 'ordinary' on a black background. When the background was changed to white, the image looked a lot more interesting. Today's Gratitude Item: Really good Professional Development this…
This one looked 'ordinary' on a black background. When the background was changed to white, the image looked a lot more interesting. Today's Gratitude Item: Really good Professional Development this…
At first sight, this one looked like a weird beach scene. Today's Gratitude Item: Self marking quizzes. I trialled these with my 8th graders and was surprised at how well…
Where the 'spiro' is short for 'Spirograph' which was one of my favourite toys growing up in an age before computers were a thing. Today's Gratitude Item: My brother set…
It's been a while since the last fractal pathway appeared on my screen. I wonder where this one leads... Today's Gratitude Item: Unexpected flowers and a lovely card from my…
As in the shape of this one made me happy. Today's Gratitude Item: A really relaxing day doing very little of note.
Am not too sure about this one. It is interesting but did not quite live up to its potential. Today's Gratitude Item: One more week of school before we get…
The 'eye' in this case was a lot more obvious in the original. Rotating it destroyed the eye, giving a pretty flower instead. Today's Gratitude Item: Successfully renewing my drivers…
Is it a flower or is it a large net with a hole in the middle? Today's Gratitude Item: Seeing some impressive progress from some of my students. I'm looking…
We have definitely been here before! Today's Gratitude Item: Getting *almost* everything on my 'to do' list done. Given that this involved marking and helping kids debug their code there…
Pretty but plain at the same time... Today's Gratitude Item: Being able to set up Google Meet to allow users to record their meetings. Admin access was required :)