Marine Perfection

Was especially pleased with how the gradient on this one turned out. Perhaps it should be called "Rigid Flow" Today's Gratitude Item: Being stress free :) I've had a really…

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United Nation

Made from scratch in Apo, I finally figured out how to get triangular / Star of David type tiles rather than square ones. It was actually quite simple. Having said…

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Cat Toy

What cat would not appreciate a toy like this? Its designed as wide screen wallpaper. Enjoy Today's Gratitude Item: Having hot water again. We got "cut off" last night (electricity…

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Bright Box

Sometimes thinking inside the box is good too! Today's Gratitude Item: That today was much, much better than yesterday. True that would not take much but am less stressed and…

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Tree Web

This seemed like an appropriate graphic for World Environment Day. Today's Gratitude Item: Smooth peanut butter. Its easier to spread than the crunchy stuff :)

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Braided Ball

Made from scratch in Apo. Took a while to create and render. The aim was to get more complexity into the creation without making it too "messy". Today's Gratitude Item:…


Bevrijdingsday 2007

May the 5th is Netherlands Liberation Day. This flag celebrates the event, and was inspired by a great friend who comes from Holland! Today's Gratitude Item: A delightfully uneventful day.…

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Metallic Bauble

This one was just a sheer joy to create. It would look smashing on the end of a gold chain or something. Today's Gratitude Item: This Modeling Tutorial for Blender.…


Blue Worms

Believe it or not, coming up with the title for this one was a bit of a challenge. Eventually my dad named it! Thanks dad :) Today's Gratitude Item: My…

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