Bubble Wrap

This is the fractal version of the packaging material. If only the real stuff looked as cool as this. Made with the help of that "bad tiling script" which is…

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Cool Construct

I tried something called the "bad tiling" script which is actually very good! Today's Gratitude Item: The logic / toothpick puzzles found at the preceding link. They should keep my…

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River Weave

Am super pleased with this one as the gradient is more "integrated" into the picture. Its called river weave because, with a bit of imagination, the mauve / gold bits…

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Lights in a Box

These lights are pre-packaged for quick, easy assembly. Not recommended for children under three years old.Today's Gratitude Item: A totally relaxing day. That and actually managing to solve two "medium"…

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Nocturnal Comfort

Or perhaps it should be called "Psychedelic Sting Ray". Then I could dedicate it to the late Steve Urwin. Today's Gratitude Item: Not having to walk today. I walked enough…

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Pretty Porthole

Have not done one of these for a while. Sometimes revisiting "old" techniques can be a useful exercise. Today's Gratitude Item: Plane delays. No I am not kidding. My friend's…

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Old Gold

Made from scratch, uploaded in a hurry.Today's Gratitude Item: An absolutely perfect evening. Tonight was the "big night" in that it was the Black Tie Dinner to celebrate the centenary…

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Light Chains

Made from scratch late on a Sunday night. Get the full effect by taking a look at the large version (simply click on the image below). Today's Gratitude Item: Warm…


Marble Army

All lined up in a row Its off to war we go We all look the same Called by number, not by name. Feeling blue, feeling sad? Sometimes life is…


Beach Chain

The things in the middle looked like seashells to me. They could also be the links of a chain. Hence the name of this piece. Today's Gratitude Item: My dad.…

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