Very Shiny
Related to 'Sharp String'. It's funny how making a few small changes can have a very big effect. Today's Gratitude Item: That sometimes the kids who try and cheat are…
Related to 'Sharp String'. It's funny how making a few small changes can have a very big effect. Today's Gratitude Item: That sometimes the kids who try and cheat are…
Guaranteed to taste better than plain chocolate :) Today's Gratitude Item: That there were a dozen of us at dance tonight despite the freezing weather.
As in pixelated men. In my view the 'extra' pixelation is an interesting effect that should be used sparingly. Today's Gratitude Item: Having a longer than expected class with my…
Normally I don't like 'grungy' images but somehow, this one 'works'. Today's Gratitude Item: Taking the evening 'off' from both marking and exercise. I think a relaxing early night is…
The title really says it all. Today's Gratitude Item: A short week. Am really happy that tomorrow is Friday :)
An old style revisited - again. I just could not help myself. In retrospect this might not have been particularly wise... Today's Gratitude Item: That 'my' posters are finally ready.…
Or possibly a red-hot solar panel. Today's Gratitude Item: Unexpected coffee :)
If only this were real... Today's Gratitude Item: Matzos! I don't have time to make my own this year but my dad has bought me some so we are 'good…
This one is 'pretty simple' as in it's both 'pretty' and 'simple'. Today's Gratitude Item: Surviving a very long day. Am looking forward to getting some sleep in the very…
Reminded me of the movement in a lava lamp. Today's Gratitude Item: Being up-to-date with my marking. It was a bit of a slog but am pleased that it is…