Smooth Way
This one took a while to create - but then experimenting is usually time consuming. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting all my 10th graders "caught up" on their last practice assessment,…
This one took a while to create - but then experimenting is usually time consuming. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting all my 10th graders "caught up" on their last practice assessment,…
This one is special as the snowflakes are part of the original fractal. The quotation, background and signature were added after the fractal was created. Today's Gratitude Item: A really…
Heavily post processed in PSP - the effort was worth it. Today's Gratitude Item: The weather finally cleared up. After two days of grey skies and stormy wind / rain…
Its either a ribbon or a road. Either way, the spiral obsession strikes again. Today's Gratitude Item: Finally getting my tablet to cooperate. I thought it was all sorted yesterday…
This one reminded me of bright green, orange and terracotta plates (sort of). Today's Gratitude Item: Finding out how to get Firefox to check my spelling on the new computer.…
Was playing with a new type of fractal. Am not sure all the effort to get to this point was worth it. Today's Gratitude Item: Am loving the new computer.…
The quotation on this one seemed particularly apt. Today's Gratitude Item: My new computer is officially up and running! It has pretty much all of the software re-installed and my…
This one looks like a flame if you squint and use your imagination. Today's Gratitude Item: Getting a great deal on my new computer! Also that my brother was prepared…
So, is this one an ugly patch, a beautiful hole or somewhere in between? I suspect the original saying had to do with fabric of some sort rather than fractals.…
Presenting the first in my "Yiddish Sayings" series. I found a great little book filled with Yiddish proverbs and got inspired. The best thing about the book is that its…