Yom Hazikaron 5770
The main image is the Israeli Defence Force Logo. In many places it is customary to put stones on a graveside when visiting - hence the "stones" reference. You can…
The main image is the Israeli Defence Force Logo. In many places it is customary to put stones on a graveside when visiting - hence the "stones" reference. You can…
The Hebrew writing at the top of this image is the "Mourner's Kaddish". Special thanks to my friend Mazal and Zeev for patiently proof reading this one.You can access the…
This stamp was designed to remember Israel's fallen soldiers and civilian victims of terror. Thanks to Ze'ev for the "Star of David Stamp" idea and his help with the Hebrew…
Yom Hazikaron commemorates both Israel's fallen soldiers and civilians murdered by acts of terror. Most of the names on the graphic come from Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs website. A…
Yom Hazikaron is when we remember Israel's fallen heroes. You can access the large version of this graphic by clicking on the image above. Images that are related to Jewish…